How To Do Half Moon Pose | Ardha Chandrasana

Hi my lovely yogi friends! In today's video, I show you how to do half moon pose, a.k.a. ardha chandrasana, with a block. This pose is a great leg strengthener, and it really helps with balance and coordination as well. 


I used a block in this video because if you are just starting out with this pose, it's always best to raise the ground up towards your bottom hand. Start out here, and then eventually you can move away from the block. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video! 

Thank you so much for watching, and I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to check out my Instagram page, and then head on over to my YouTube Channelto subscribe! I hope you have a wonderful night's sleep, and I'll see you here again soon! Namaste :)

15 Minute Bedtime Yoga Sequence

Hi, yogi friends! In today's video, I show you a 15 minute yoga sequence you can do before bedtime so that you can get a great night's sleep! This routine is super simple, relaxing, and tension-reducing. It will allow your muscles to release out stress and built up "gripping" so that you can fall asleep and stay asleep.


As usual, the key is to use your breath! So, as long as you listen to my breath cues throughout the sequence, this should really help you out!

Thank you so much for watching, and I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to check out my Instagram page, and then head on over to my YouTube Channelto subscribe! I hope you have a wonderful night's sleep, and I'll see you here again soon! Namaste :)

How To Do Wheel Pose | Urdhva Dhanurasana

Hi, my awesome yogi friends! In today's video, I discuss how to do wheel pose, also known as urdhva dhanurasana or upward facing bow pose. This backbend is a bit challenging, which is why it is not for true yoga beginners unless you have a background in gymnastics, acrobatics, or dance. So, if you are just starting out in your yoga practice, just think of this as something to work up to, and come back to this video when you have a bit more of a grasp of the foundation of the other poses (TIP: try this Beginners Yoga Poses video, or 25 Minute Beginners Yoga Routine video, and practice that until you feel very comfortable with the movements.)


However, if you do feel that you are ready to dive into a deeper backbend, then give this one a try!

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog & checking out my video! I hope you enjoyed it! If you haven't already, then pop on over to my YouTube channel and subscribe to see videos from me every Monday & Wednesday! Have a wonderful rest of your day! Namaste :)

5 Beginners Yoga Poses

If you have never done yoga before, I can understand that it can appear intimidating. However, it really doesn't have to be, and as I've said many times before, it's so good for you! Everyone should at least give it a try.


In this video, I show you how to do 5 beginners yoga poses that are perfect to start out with in the beginning of your yoga journey. These poses are all well rounded in that they provide you with stretching, strengthening, and balance training. I hope you enjoy the video!

Thank you so much for watching! Don't forget to check out my other yoga videosthat I have to offer as well, and head on over to my channel to subscribe for new videos every Monday and Wednesday. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Namaste :)